Configuring LDAP Server Groups

The LDAP Server Groups table lets you configure up to 41 LDAP Server Groups. An LDAP Server Group is a logical configuration entity that contains up to two LDAP servers. LDAP servers are assigned to LDAP Server Groups in the LDAP Servers table (see Configuring LDAP Servers). To use a configured LDAP server, you must assign it to an LDAP Server Group. You can configure the following types of LDAP Server Groups (configured by the 'Type' parameter described below):

Control: To use an LDAP server for call routing, you need to configure the LDAP Server Group as a Control type, and then assign the LDAP Server Group to a Routing Policy. The Routing Policy in turn needs to be assigned to the relevant routing rule(s). You can assign a Routing Policy to only one LDAP Server Group. Therefore, for multi-tenant deployments where multiple Routing Policies are employed, each tenant can be assigned a specific LDAP Server Group through its unique Routing Policy.
Management: To use an LDAP server for management where it does user login authentication and user authorization, you need to configure the LDAP Server Group as a Management type. Additional LDAP-based management parameters need to be configured, as described in Enabling LDAP-based Web/CLI User Login Authentication and Authorization and Configuring LDAP Servers.
Management Service: To use two different LDAP server accounts for management where one LDAP account does user authentication and the other LDAP account does user authorization, you need to configure two LDAP Server Groups. Configure the LDAP Server Group for user authentication as a Management type and the LDAP Server Group for user authorization as a Management Service type. In this setup, configure all the user-authorization settings (i.e., Management LDAP Groups and LDAP Server Search Base DN) for the Management Service-type LDAP Server Group only, instead of for the Management-type LDAP Server Group.

The following procedure describes how to configure an LDAP Server Group through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [LDAPServerGroups] or CLI (configure system > ldap ldap-server-groups).

The device provides a preconfigured LDAP Server Group ("DefaultCTRLServersGroupin") in the LDAP Server Groups table, which can be modified or deleted.

To configure an LDAP Server Group:
1. Open the LDAP Server Groups table (Setup menu > IP Network tab > AAA Servers folder > LDAP Server Groups).
2. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

3. Configure an LDAP Server Group according to the parameters described in the table below.
4. Click Apply.

LDAP Server Groups Table Parameter Descriptions






Defines an index number for the new table row.

Note: Each row must be configured with a unique index.




Defines a descriptive name, which is used when associating the row in other tables.

The valid value is a string of up to 20 characters.


Configure each row with a unique name.
The parameter value cannot contain a forward slash (/).




Defines whether the servers in the group are used for SIP-related LDAP queries (Control) or management login authentication-related LDAP queries (Management).

[0] Control (default)
[1] Management
[2] Management Service

For more information on the different optional LDAP services, see LDAP-based Services.


For table row Index #0, the parameter can only be configured to Control.
Only one LDAP Server Group can be configured for management.

'Server Search Method'



Defines the method for querying between the two LDAP servers in the group.

[0] Parallel = (Default) The device queries the LDAP servers at the same time.
[1] Sequential = The device first queries one of the LDAP servers and if the DN object is not found or the search fails, it queries the second LDAP server.

'DN Search Method'



Defines the method for querying the Distinguished Name (DN) objects within each LDAP server.

[0] Sequential = (Default) The query is done in each DN object, one by one, until a result is returned. For example, a search for the DN object record "JohnD" is first run in DN object "Marketing" and if a result is not found, it searches in "Sales", and if not found, it searches in "Administration", and so on.
[1] Parallel = The query is done in all DN objects at the same time. For example, a search for the DN object record "JohnD" is done at the same time in the "Marketing", "Sales" and "Administration" DN objects.



'Cache Entry Timeout'



Defines the duration (in minutes) that an entry in the device's LDAP cache is valid. If the timeout expires, the cached entry is used only if there is no connectivity with the LDAP server.

The valid range is 0 to 35791. The default is 1200. If 0, the LDAP entry is always valid.

'Cache Entry Removal Timeout'



Defines the duration (in hours) after which the LDAP entry is deleted from the device's LDAP cache.

The valid range is 0 to 596. The default is 0 (i.e., the entry is never deleted).